T’ai Chi and Kung Fu Weekend Course

Discover Tai Chi with Us

We’re inviting you and your students to explore T’ai Chi through our upcoming course focused on the gentle Lee style. This session is ideal for beginners and those curious about integrating Tai Chi into their daily routine.


  • When: July 6th
  • Where: Caludon Castle Sports Centre Dance Studio
  • Duration: 10 a.m – 4 p.m

Join us to learn the basics and experience the calming benefits of Tai Chi.

Looking forward to welcoming new faces to our community!

Join Us for Kung Fu Day: Soft Style Self-Defense

We would like to invite you to our Kung Fu Day, where we’ll explore soft style techniques focused on self-defense. This event is perfect for those new to Kung Fu or anyone interested in learning non-aggressive ways to protect themselves.

If you’re curious about a gentle approach to self-defense that emphasizes fluid movement and personal safety, this is the perfect opportunity. It’s a chance to learn practical skills in a friendly and welcoming environment.

Details :

  • When : July 7th
  • Where : Caludon Castle Sports Centre Dance Studio
  • Duration : 10 a.m – 4 p.m



